Live AEW Dynamite Results Coverage, Reactions, & Highlights For November 9th, 2022

Publish date: 2024-06-05

It’s Wednesday night, and you know what that means! AEW Dynamite will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage.

The start time for AEW Dynamite is at 8:00 PM EST. Match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below.

Tonight’s show promises another night of exciting action as we move closer to AEW Full Gear 2022. The match card for tonight is as follows:

AEW Dynamite Opener:

The opening package for the show airs.

The commentators walk through the card.

The Acclaimed & FTR vs. Swerve In Our Glory & The Gunns

The Gunn’s theme song plays and they come out with Morrisey and Stokely Hathaway. Swerve Strickland’s music followed by Keith Lee’s theme song and the duo walk out to the ring.

FTR’s music plays and they come out to the ring. The Acclaimed’s music plays next and they come out with Max Castor rapping during their entrance.

Before the match could begin, Billy Gunn comes running out and takes down Swerve Strickland. He is pulled back and taken away as the match begins.

The match starts with Dax Harwood and Colton Gunn who attacks Dax in the corner and follows it with a dropkkick. He tags in Austin to continues to work Dax in the corner. Dax fights back with a shoulder tackle.

He takes down Austin and catapults him into the corner before chopping him down. He tags in Cash Wheeler but he is taken down with a elbow stroke and he tags in Swerve who continues to attack Cash.

Swerve goes for a suplex but is countered and Cash hits the tilta whirl backbreaker before tagging in Max Castor.

Swerve tags in Keith Lee. Max tries to attack Lee with superkicks. Both teams get in the ring and brawl. The Acclaimed together knock down Lee. Max tags in Cash who continues to attack Keith Lee on the outside before sending him into the ring.

With the referee distracted, Morrisey attacks Dax on the outside. Swerve tags himself in and continues to attack Dax in the corner. He hits the diving elbow to the back of the neck before tagging in Colton Gunn.

Colton hammering Dax’s back before tagging in Swerve. Dax hits the German suplex on Swerve who tags in Austin. Austin tries to prevent Dax from tagging out but gets taken out with a back suples.

Colton comes in the match and gets taken out. Dax tags in Anthony Bowens who attacks all members of the opposing team. He hit sthe standing leg drop on Colton. The Gunns hit Big Rig. Cover! 1…2…Max to break up the count. Both teams recover in the ring and they start brawling. FTR and Gunn Club take each other out of the ring.

In the ring, Lee delivers the powerbomb to Bowens. Austin climbs the top rope but is stopped by Dax who hits the superplex on all members of the match. Dax throws Austin back in the ring.

Austin starts throwing fist but is taken down by Dax who locks in sharpshooter but Colton with a right hand. Bowens hits the Arrival on Austin followed by the mic drop as Colton is taken out by FTR. Austin is then pinned in the ring.

Winner: The Acclaimed & FTR

MJF talks about the Firm’s attack on a recent interview on Pardon My Take. He then says the match against Jon Moxley is the most important match in the sport. He then says every once in a while we see generational talents come through just like MJF. He then says that Moxley is the only one in his way. He then says he doesn’t like Jon but he respects him.

He also says that he respects Jon because he worked hard to get to where he is today and became the best professional wrestler in the world. He then say he was born for this business and he can wave the flag of professional wrestling. He also says that he is going to take that throne.

He also says that the spotlight was always taken away from him. He further says that he is not waiting for the spotlight, instead he will be grabbing it. He then says he doesn’t need the Dynamite Diamon ring to defeat Moxley.

*Commercial break*

A video package showed Stokely Hathaway saying he doesn’t need MJF. He also say he will see MJF after Full Gear.

World Title Eliminator Tournament: Ethan Page vs. Eddie Kingston

Ethan Page’s music plays first and he comes out with Stokely Hathaway. Eddie Kingston’s music plays next and he comes out with Ortiz.

The match starts with Eddie locking the headlock on Ethan Page. Eddie with chops in the corner. Page fights back and hits the shoulder block from the second rope. He then dives onto Kingston from the apron.

Page sends Kingston in the ring and continues to attack him. Kingston fights back with the butterfly suplex. Kingston gets sent into the turnbuckle.He hits Kingston with a suplex on the outside.

Eddie tires to fight back but Page attacks the eyes of Kingston. He sends him back into the ring and hits the elbow drop. Cover! 1…2…kick out. Ethan Page works Kingston.

Page goes for a dive off the top rope but is caught with a enzuigiri. Kingston then hits vicious chops on Page. He hits the ropes but Page picks him up and hits the running powerslam. Cover! 1…2…kick out.

Page continues to work Eddie Kingston. Page attempts to pick Kingston up but is reverse by Kingston. Cover! 1…2…kick out. Both men exchange punches in the ring. Kingston gets the better with vicious chops and a DDT. Cover! 1…2….kick out.

Kingston hits the exploder suplex and locks the stretch plum. The referee is distracted by Stokely as Page taps out but the referee didn’t see it.

As Kingston is distracted, Page with a roundhouse kick on Kingston and he climbs the rope but is stopped by Kingston who btis him but Page escapes and shoves Kingston in the turnbuckle and hits the avalanche Ego’s Edge for the win.

Winner: Ethan Page

Renee interviews Dark Order and Rush. Jose says that he will win the tournament and he will give Ten the first title shot because he likes him. Rush then asks Ten to think about offer.

Ariya Daivari is in the ring who offers the full services of his butler for the TNT Championship. He then says that Wardlow can go from being MJF’s servent to having his own.

TNT Championship: Wardlow (c) vs. Ariya Daivari

Wardlow’s music plays and he comes out to the ring.

Wardlow sends the butler out of the ring. He then headbuts Daivari. He then picks up and hits a lariat. Wardlow then hits multiple powerbombs for the win.

Winner: Wardlow (c)

After the match, Wardlow calls out Powerhouse Hobbs. Hobbs’ music plays and he comes out. Wardlow says that finally he has a suitable opponent and thanked him for coming out like a man.

He then says that Hobbs isn’t going to take the title from him. He also says that he will take all the titles in the company. Samoa Joe attacks Wardlow from behind with his title belt and then chokes him out.

Renee interviews Jade Cargill who says she will handle Nyla Rose. She is sick of Nyla Rose. She also says that she will handle Nyla Rose this Friday if she shows up to Rampage.

Tony Schiavone is in the ring who introduces Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. Baker’s music hits and she walks out to the ring. Tony then introduces Saraya whose music plays as she comes out to the ring.

Tony asks what is it that Saraya wanted to tell everyone. Saraya says that a couple of weeks ago she did MRIs and says that unfortunately for Britt, she is 100 percent cleared. Saraya gets emotional in the ring as she says AEW is her house.

Britt says that nothing is more fickle than an AEW fan. She then says that they aren;t clear. She says that Saraya is coming after her since day one because she built AEW from the groundup that superstars like Saraya wanted to move into.

She also says that she resents Saraya for skipping in here and call it her house when she had nothing to do with building up AEW.

She also says that Saraya is obsessed with her because she is everythign Saraya wishes she could be. Britt then says that Saraya left her house and walked into hers. She also says that she doesn’t accept walk-ins and asks her to make an appointment.

Saraya says that she was handed her position by Tony Khan. She also says that Britt doesn’t even know what it takes to be a star. She says she got hit by a car and wrestled the same night because she loves this business. She also says that Britt doesn’t even know how to make it in this business.

She says that she has wrestled in top arenas around the world. She then says she battled her drug addiction public and has given her neck for this business while also saying Britt doesn’t know how to make it.

She also says that this will be her comeback story and Britt’s biggest match of her career. She then says the two of them will face each other at Full Gear. Britt goes to attack her but Saraya ducks and hits her with the capture DDT.

QT tries to goad Orange Cassidy into giving Lee a title match and Orange just accepts without any arguement.

Backstage, Tren Barretta calls Jay Lethal scumbags and says he will fight them tonight.

Trent’s music plays and as he comes out, he is attacked by Jay Lethal.. He sends Trent into the steps and attacks the leg. He then throws Trent in the ring.

Trent Barretta vs Jay Lethal

Jay continues to work the leg of Trent. Trent with forearm strikes to Jay Lethal. Jay with a basement kick and the kneebreaker followed by dragon screw sending him out of the ring.

Jay Lethal locks in the figure four leg lock. He knocks down Trent with a clothesline. Lethal sends Trent into the ring and continues to work the knee.

Trent fights back but is taken down by Jay Lethal. Jey goes for the elbow drop from the top rope but Trent gets his knees up. Trent hits the German suplex followed by the half and half suplex. He then goes for the DDT but as Lethal attempts the figure four, he is shoved into the turnbuckle.

Trent then hits the tornado DDT. Cover! 1…2..kick out. Trent sets Lethal on the top rope and goes for an avalanche half and half and hits the running knee strike. Sonjay Dutt tries to distract the refee but Dan Hausen attacks him and is taken out by Sanga.

This allows Lethal to hit Lethal injection for the win.

Winner: Jay Lethal

After the match, Tony interviews Jay but Sonjay grabs the microphone who says that he promised a surprise last week and he delivered. He then calls out Jeff Jarrett.

Jeff says that he is AEW because hsi friend called him and he showed up to help. He then says that he signed Jay Lethal to his first contract. He also says that Sonjay has an IQ of 181. He then says that Sanga is a giant and calls him one in a billion. He then calls out Sting and Darby Allin and yells at the production crew for winding him up and Jeff chases him with a guitar.

Renee interviews Jungle Boy who asks about Luchasaurus. Jungle Boy says this isn’t over and what happened last week was just the beginning. He also says he has a challenge for Christian and Luchasaurus and he is going to tell them his challenge this Friday on Rampage.

Jon Moxley’s music plays and he walks to the ring through the crowd. Moxley gets on the mic and asks Regal how he was then they first met. He then says that he was young and thought he knew it all. He also says that he wanted to be like William Regal and to prove himself to Regal, he tried to pick a fight with him but that didn’t go well as Regal tortured him. But it drove hims to work harder and when he got a second chance at Regal, he knocked him out.

He also says that Regal told him that now the real work begins. Moxley then says that it reminds them of MJF. Mox says he wrestled MJF in 2020 but he beat him up but now he has come back for another shot. He also says that MJF is having an identity crisis.

Mox says that MJF wants to show that he is rich and successful but he is actually a multi time world champion. He further says that MJF doesn’t know what it’s like to have any weight on his back.

Moxley says he has seen the devil and looked into his eyes and seen some bad people do some bad things and then says that MJF is not bad.

He then says that he is worried about what MJF has in his guts because he is going to bring it out of him. He then says that everything MJF has done upto this point has been easy.

A video package plays showing The Elite through the years.

A video package shows Bryan Danielson saying that he is put all the disrepect he has been shown in recent weeks on Sammy Guevara.

Skye Blue vs. Jamie Hayter

Jamie Hayter’s music plays and she comes out to the ring with Rebel and Britt Baker. Skye Blue’s theme song plays and she comes to the ring with Toni Storm.

The match starts with Skye attacking Jamie who rolls out of the ring. Skye goes after her but is send into the barricade. Jamie picks up Skye but is sent into the post and then into the ring.

Skye hits the knee strike and as she hits the rope, she is tripped by Britt Baker allowing Jamie Hayter to slam her to the mat. Hayter attacks her in the corner. She then hits the suplex. Cover! 1…2…kick out.

Skye Blue knocked down with a shoulder tackle. Jamie Hayter goes to work on Blue. Skye fights back and hits the dropkick. She then is sent to the apron and attacks Rebel and Baker and climbs the top rope and hits the crossbody on Jamie. Cover! 1….2….kick out.

Skye goes for the rollup and kicks her in the head and hits the code red. Cover! 1…2..kick out. Hayter with a forearm strike. Superkick from Skye but Hayter fights a back with a boot and she continues to attack her in the corner with chops. He then hits the ripcord lariat for the win.

Winner: Jamie Hayter

After the match, Hayter tries to attack Skye but Toni Storm runs into the ring to save Blue.

A video package is shown promoting Brian Cage and Dante Martin’s match on Rampage.

Alexa Marvez is show backstage who says that he wanted to interview Ricky Stars but Lance Archer is shown attacking Ricky Starks.

Two out of three falls match: Sammy Guevara (with Tay Melo) vs. Bryan Danielson

Sammy Guevara’s music plays and he walks to the ring with Tay Melo. Bryan Danielson’s theme song plays next and he comes out to the ring.

The match starts with Bryan and Sammy exchanging strikes in the corner. Bryan with kicks and an uppercut to Sammy. More uppercuts and kicks in the corner by Bryan.

Sammy fights back with a corkscrew dropkick and goes for suicide dive but is stopped. Bryan with a shotgun dropkick from the top rope. Tay Melo gets in Bryan’s way allowing Sammy to throw a chair at Bryan awarding the first fall to Danielson.

He then attacks Bryan with a microphone. Sammy gets back in the ring. Sammy goes back outside and hits the suplex on Bryan who is busted open.

Bryan gets back in the ring and Sammy continues to viciously attack him. Sammy attacks Bryan in the corner. Sammy hits the knee and hits the GTH for the pin making the count 1-1.

Sammy attacks Bryan in the corner with chops and goes for the superplex but is thrown of by Danielson who goes for the headbut but misses allowing Sammy to hit the crossface.

Bryan gets to the rope forcing Sammy to release the hold. Bryan and Sammy exchange strikes. As Sammy dives off the second turnbuckle, Bryan hits the running knee as Guevara rolls out.

Bryan with a diving knee drop. He then sets Sammy on a chair and chops him, Now, Sammy returns the favor. He then hits the dropkick and slams his face into the post. Sammy sends Bryan back into the ring and and both men collide with a crossbody. Bryan covers Sammy! 1..2…Tay pulls the referee out of the ring. The referee ejects her from ringside.

Both men exchange blows in the ring. Bryan suplexes Sammy into the corner setting him up in the tree of woe. Bryan then kicks Sammy multiple times and follows it with a dropkick. Danielson sets him up in the corner but he slips away and hits the knee strike sending Danielson to the floor.

Sammy climbs the top rope and hits the shooting star press. He sends Bryan into the ring and goes the springboard cutter but is caught by Danielson who locks in the LaBelle lock but Sammy gets to the rope.

Bryan kicks the chest of Sammy but he fights back with a knee and goes for GTH but Bryan escapes and hits the reverse hurricanran and goes for the knee strik but Guevara catches him and hits the liontamer. Bryan crawls to the rope to break the hold.

Sammy goes for the GTH but Bryan escapes and hits the busaiku knee and goes for the stomps but Sammy counters with DDT. He climbs the top and goes for the Senton but Bryan catches him and hits the elbows and rolls into the LaBelle lock. Bryan adjusts his grip by grabbing both arms as Sammy submits.

Winner: Bryan Danielson

The ends our live coverage of AEW Dynamite.
