Colorado Authors League Statement on AI

Publish date: 2024-06-01

All authors accepted by CAL must meet a professional standard.

1. Are you a Colorado resident, or have you been a Colorado resident in the past AND

2. Have you authored a book that is available for sale and was published in the last 3 years OR

3. Have you written short stories, poems, or essays (total of 3) that were published* in an online or physical publication in the last three years, either individually, in a chapbook, an anthology, or a magazine for which you received payment or received recognition OR

4. Have you written op-eds, features, blog posts, or news articles (total of 3) that were published in an online or physical publication, newspaper or magazine in the last three years for which you received payment or received recognition for your contribution (i.e. Huffington Post, New York Times Op-Ed) OR

5. Have you written a stage play or screenplay that has been optioned, performed, or published* in the last three years


6. Have you illustrated a book or designed a book cover that was published and available for sale in the last three years?

If you answered YES to number 1 and YES to 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, we welcome you to apply for membership!

*Published means Traditional Publishing or Self-Published, either in print or digital format. Publishing to one's own blog, however, does not qualify.

Meeting the above criteria is not a guarantee of membership. If you are approved, you will be contacted via e-mail as to how to pay the annual membership fee of $60.

Apply Today!

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