10 Hilarious Pride memes to share for Pride Month

Publish date: 2024-05-10

It’s officially Pride Month! That means it’s time for the LGBTQ+ community to shine even more so than they do all year round, celebrating the riots of Stonewall that gave us our voices all those years ago. Widely known as the galvanizing event of the gay civil rights movement, the events of Stonewall happened in 1969, revolving around LGBTQ+ protesters revolting against the local authority during a time when local police raids in gay bars were a common occurrence.

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To commemorate the brave actions of the older generation, we celebrate Pride Month annually every June, during which many countries and big cities host Pride parades, festivals and get-togethers to celebrate the visibility of the LGBTQ+ community and spread awareness for all the different identities. It isn’t Pride Month without a few memes. of course, which often take stabs at large corporations who take “gay for the stay” too literally during the month of June. But it’s also just an opportunity to spread a little laughter and joy.

1. If no one else got us, Danny DeVito got us

The Penguin himself, Danny Devito, who’s also famous for voicing The Lorax, appeared at LA Pride in 2018 and become a viral meme shortly afterwards. Maybe it’s his short stature or the giant rainbow feather boa around his shoulders, but there’s something both endearing and hilarious about DeVito being in attendance. Attesting to DeVito being an ally to the community, @hattiesoykan captioned the images by suggesting that DeVito would be watching over the attendees as a stand-in for the cops, who keep the peace during the festivities.

2. It’s Pride Month? Time to be gay (performative)!

Perhaps one of the most famous Pride memes out there features Steve Buscemi in his “Fellow Kids” meme. which has since become the “Fellow Gays” meme in light of Pride Month. The scene originates from the American sitcom 30 Rock and sees Buscemi dressed in a T-shirt reading “Music Band” holding a skateboard with a backwards baseball cap. As we all know, the moment June 1 hits, all the large companies across the world change their logos to “represent” the LGBTQ+ community, which has since been proven to be totally performative, as they often remove those changes the second it turns July.

3. It’s that time of the year again

In the same vein as the above meme, one of the most biggest topics for Pride memes is the fact that corporations like Google, McDonalds, Facebook, etc. only ever change their logos to rainbow colors when we officially enter Pride Month — and not a moment before. It’s a running gag in the community and the subject of many memes, including the Bernie Sanders meme, which has been talked about for years. The whole situation pokes fun at the fact that haters often call being gay “a phase.” But what’s more of a phase? Being gay your entire life or changing your logo only for June?

4. You pronounced June wrong, honey

Have you ever heard someone say “Wow, I can’t believe it’s June already, time flies,” or something of that nature? It’s become about as dry of a topic as the weather at this point, but it’s rather funny to have the LGBTQ+ community put a twist on that small talk. If you’v ever said “Wow, it’s June already,” what you really meant is “Wow, it’s Pride already?” If that isn’t what you meant… don’t lie, it is. It’s the rainbow sweatband that pulls this meme together, along with the pursed lips. We refuse to accept June as anything other than Pride.

5. On the dot

You’ve probably seen similar memes for Halloween, which portray someone’s reaction to October 30th versus October 31st, when it officially becomes Halloween day. They’ll be comparisons between a “normal” looking person and someone who resembles a goth, which hilariously represents the change someone undergoes once it becomes Halloween. The same happens with Christmas and other holidays. And who wouldn’t take this meme and make it about Pride? It’s no secret that June brings out the gay in people, just like Halloween brings out our inner ghoul.

6. A true gay anthem

Picture this: It’s 2008, Katy Perry just released the absolute banger that is “I Kissed a Girl,” and you’re belting it out in your bedroom at 10pm and questioning your sexuality when you find yourself relating a little too heavily to the song’s lyrics. But at the same time, you’re so young that you don’t really understand the lyrics at all. Who else thought “cherry chapstick” meant actual chapstick? Well, it doesn’t. If you don’t already know, I hate to burst your bubble. but it means the “down there” area. You were most likely closeted at the time of singing this song, only realizing how much of a game-changer it truly was when you eventually came out (or not, which is fine too!).

7. There’s regular walking speed and then there’s gay walking speed

It’s a common conception that gay people walk extremely fast. As a gay person, I can confirm that this is true. There’s often an idea of “gay time” that the LGBTQ+ community follows when walking on foot to a certain destination, which cuts down the ETA considerably compared to the “average” walking time. It’s so funny because it’s true. As gay people, we have absolutely no time for slow walkers, nor do we want to take extra time getting to where we’re going. We have very strict schedules! It’s absolutely the editing of this image that makes it even better; the small Pride flag next to the walking icon is comedy GOLD.

8. The straight what now?

In an attempt to completely bury the gay community, straight people came up with the concept of a “straight pride parade” that celebrates cisgender and straight individuals… for what reason? Obviously, someone missed the memo for what Pride actually means. We’re talking about a minority group who fought for their rights to be who they are, not the majority who didn’t have to lift a finger to be accepted and loved. But just as this meme suggests, let’s all pile into the clown car and attend the straight Pride parade together. Personally, I’m flabbergasted that this is even a thing, but never underestimate the entitled.

9. Dumbledore said gay rights

Since Hogwarts has so many students, it’s rather hard to believe that none of these characters are gay, lesbian, transgender, etc. after all, Dumbledore himself was confirmed gay by J. K. Rowling (which is ironic, considering how much she hates transgender people). That means, in accordance with celebrating all the differences of the Hogwarts attendees, Dumbledore would naturally host a celebration for Pride Month — and that includes changing the decorations in the Great Hall. And just look at the image editing, it’s absolute perfection!

10. Gary in love with Ash, confirmed

Growing up as childhood best friends, it’s only natural that Gary might catch feelings for Ash. It’s never been confirmed, but it’s been heavily implied that Gary is in love with Ash. The above meme takes the common conservative-Christian belief that gay people will go to Hell and totally turns it on its head, laughing in the faces of all those who try and tear us down. Gary (or at least his parody account) proudly proclaims that he’d gladly go to Hell for Ash, if it meant he could steal a kiss. Isn’t that sweet?

Hopefully, you got a giggle or two out of that. Go forth, fellow gays, and celebrate with Pride!
